Total Communication

To continue my investigation of deaf education methods, we will be discussing Total Communication. The idea behind Total Communication is combining techniques from all different methods to create the ideal approach for each student. Total communication strives to really individualize and capitalize on a students’ strengths rather than their weaknesses. Using this method, teachers can “use sign, writing, mime, speech, pictures or any other communication method that works” for each student (Deaf Linx). As a result, students gain some amount of skill level across the board; spoken/written word, ASL. This could be problematic however in that this method can make it harder for a student to gain full fluency and a complex understanding of English or Sign Language. Signing and spoken English can both be used to create an optimal environment in deaf education. This needs to be done however making sure students are obtaining language competence. 

Reading about Total Communication, I am reminded of the concept of catering one’s education to the student’s strengths and learning style. It is true that everyone learns best in different ways. Some main learning styles are auditory,  visual and hands-on. Some of my friends retain information great through hearing their teachers talk while others benefit from seeing the information on paper or seeing a visual aid of some kind. And, some need to be active and experience the curriculum hands-on. I have always considered myself a visual learner. I often relied on visuals and what teachers would write down and demonstrate in class. As a visual learner, I excel in my sign language classes. My sign language classrooms are almost like little sanctuaries that capitalize on my strengths. As a visual learner which is a nice break from my other classes. 

Total Communication reveals the difficulties that come with attempting to personalize and customize education. If there are twenty plus students in a classroom with many different learning styles at play, it is easy to see how this could be problematic. Parents are given the responsibility to put their child though an education that will benefit them the most. That is one of the reasons I chose to investigate these different methods of education and share it in this blog. 

Come back soon for my next post!

Here are some links on Total Communication:


Bilingual-Bicultural Approach


Oral/Auditory Approach